Back to report success...

like i said before i reconfigured and built v1.3 with VARIANT=user after i 
installed v1.1 from ZTE on my inari.

then i changed the boot image as stated in the blogpost and bugzilla entry,
but i did not want to install cwm recovery (no use since there are no custom 
roms anyway and i won't be installing Android...)
i also entered the init.rc changes in line 111 or so, just after /system gets 
mounted rw, as it seems to be the right place to do that there.

i made the changes to the boot.img from my official ZTE 1.1 UK and 
copied the resulting new boot image into the out/target/product/inari folder.
used as normal, but now also the boot.img was flashed in the process.
might not be pretty or even designed that way, but it works ;)  ( i admit that 
i peeked at to make sure it would actually use the boot.img, so 
obviously it does flash a boot.img if it is present)

a few minor details are present:
the resulting build on the phone is "Boot2Gecko" - i thought 
1.3 is the latest stable version? do i have to build different than with 
BRANCH=v1.3 to receive a complete v1.3 build?

also, i do not understand why the keyboard was changed. in 1.0 and 1.1 its 
lower case unless you press shift, then it changes to upper case. expected 
behavior when you come from Android.
in 1.3 its upper case all the time - really annoying. (i guess just like in 
IOS, which i hate with a passion) any chance i can resolve this myself? its 
driving me nuts, as eg a lot of my passwords contain multiple upper case 
letters and its next to impossible to tell if you are typing upper or lower 
case (the screen is really not that responsive in the first place). it also 
would be nice if you could "long-press" shift to have caps-lock (also, just 
like in Android)
as far as performance goes, i didn't notice much difference to 1.1, its still 
pretty sluggish to respond, especially when downloading in the background.
Updates don't work anymore (i kinda expected that...)

while not proud or particularly pleased by the process, i am however glad i 
managed to get 1.3 going on the ZTE Open.
now back to the building process to refine some stuff. - i want to change the 
date/time to the standard german/austrian/swiss format, while keeping english 
as the language. (don't know if that is even possible)
here is also one area where i would suggest as an improvement to include the 
choice of date/time format in the respective settings.

one other thing - the developer settings are really buggy.
i turned on fps by mistake and it wont let me turn it off, and also i cannot 
turn on developer menu, whatever that might be.
i could resolve this by leaving the settings and reentering a few times, 
finally i could turn off fps and turn on developer menu (although i don't see 
what that changed)

all in all its something i can work with :D

any hints or suggestions are welcome!


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