On 23 April 2014 11:26, Roland Lindner <lin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> also, i do not understand why the keyboard was changed. in 1.0 and 1.1 its 
> lower case unless you press shift, then it changes to upper case. expected 
> behavior when you come from Android.
> in 1.3 its upper case all the time - really annoying. (i guess just like in 
> IOS, which i hate with a passion) any chance i can resolve this myself? its 
> driving me nuts, as eg a lot of my passwords contain multiple upper case 
> letters and its next to impossible to tell if you are typing upper or lower 
> case (the screen is really not that responsive in the first place). it also 
> would be nice if you could "long-press" shift to have caps-lock (also, just 
> like in Android)

I am currently on unstable 1.4 and the one reason I dont want to go to
1.1 stable is because of the keyboard. I love what they did with the
keyboard which is more "responsive" but yes the shift case needs to be

Anyways I am happy to see your success on building from source while I
used some binary !

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