On 29/03/2014 21.57, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> For example, it has no Promise.race and no Promise.prototype.catch.

It does, as soon as bug 941920 lands. We were holding it off due to
compatibility concerns, but the general availability of the DOM Promise
object changes the landscape and we're crash-landing it (I'd have
appreciated some coordination on this, but bug 988122 was off radar).

To add more complexity to the mix, there is still the presence of
legacy Add-on SDK Promises that don't have a "catch" method and
resolve synchronously. Most notably, until bug 887923 lands,
Task.jsm is still using those. Updating legacy promises tends to
block on the synchronous behavior that most tests expect.

This is a just a portion of the complex situation we have with
Promises. I was planning on doing a dev.platform post for a status
update next week, but this landing changed things and I chose to
communicate one specific aspect first, that is the purpose of
Promise.jsm and the need to do some work to make DOM Promises on par.

For details on in-progress work, you can refer to the unsorted
dependency tree of the Promises tracking bug:


> So code that expects per-spec behavior may not
> work with the Promise exported by Promise.jsm.

In most cases, code will work exactly in the same way. If it doesn't,
that is a Promise.jsm bug to be fixed. I'm not talking about code
designed to rely on edge cases - passing the full DOM Promise test
suite is a non-goal for Promise.jsm. The goal is to be able to switch
to DOM Promises as a drop-in replacement for Promise.jsm, when ready.

The "Cannot resolve a promise with an async function." error is
an example of a non-compliant behavior we've introduced to help
programmers avoid footguns. I'd add this to the list of reasons to
recommend "Promise.jsm", though obviously we will (rightfully)
lose this error when switching to the compliant implementation.

Making Promise.jsm developer-friendly was a significant investment of
time and effort under Mozilla's Performance and Async projects, and we
want to be sure we can capitalize on that experience while moving
forward to ES6/DOM Promises.

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