On 3/31/14 1:34 PM, smaug wrote:
>> Promise.jsm and Promise are still interoperable from the functional
>> point of view, the difference is in the above non-functional
>> characteristics. Promise.jsm also has better performance due to the
>> fact that it avoids the JavaScript / C++ / JavaScript turnaround
>> time on chain resolution,
> Has this shown up in profiles? If so, could you please give links to the
> profiles, since
> we should get fast promise handling to the web platform.

I don't remember that we did any benchmark on this. I seem to remember
that this was an assumption based on a discussion with bz a long time
ago, but it might have been someone else.

Numbers would be interesting, though. Paolo, do you have plans to
perform benchmarking?


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
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