On 2014-08-14 14:42, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
Do we also need a policy about how fast we would like issues to be
fixed?  At which point do we remove a CA that does not comply?

So CAB baseline has:
13.1.5 Reasons for Revoking a Subscriber Certificate

The CA SHALL revoke a Certificate within 24 hours if one or more of the following occurs:
9. The CA is made aware that the Certificate was not issued in accordance with these Requirements or the CA’s Certificate Policy or Certification Practice Statement;

13.1.6 Reasons for Revoking a Subordinate CA Certificate

The Issuing CA SHALL revoke a Subordinate CA Certificate within seven (7) days if one or more of the following occurs:
5. The Issuing CA is made aware that the Certificate was not issued in accordance with or that Subordinate CA has not complied with these Baseline Requirements or the applicable Certificate Policy or Certification Practice Statement;

I currently have 24 open bugs in violation of those requirements. The (root) CA's have been made aware of those problems. The subscriber certificates have not been revoked within the 24 hour limit nor have the subordinate CA's been revoked within 7 days. So it's my believe that we have every right to remove and distrust all those root CA's.


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