On 9/3/2014 2:43 PM, Matt Palmer wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 02:24:04PM -0700, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
>> The most significant change is the addition of the last sentence in
>> this paragraph:
>> "When egregious mistakes were overlooked by the auditor, or there
>> are a significant number of oversights, or the auditor did not
>> notice BR compliance problems with the root or intermediate
>> certificates, then the CA must resolve the issues and be re-audited.
>> For the re-audit the CA can either get re-audited by a different
>> auditor, or have the current auditor provide an immediate plan for
>> correction and compliance, and then present a mid-term partial audit
>> following that plan. In either case, the auditor must provide
>> documentation about steps they are taking to avoid making the same
>> mistakes in future audits."
>> Basically, if an auditor intends to continue to audit CAs in
>> Mozilla's program, then we need assurances from the auditor that the
>> things that were missed will not be missed in future audits.
> Would it worth making that explicit, by saying something like, "Failure of
> the Auditor to satisfy Mozilla that they have corrected the deficiencies in
> their auditing process may jeopardise their standing as a trusted auditor
> for the Mozilla root program"?  While we on this list understand the
> ramifications of not doing so, I'm not sure that an auditor or other person
> reading that paragraph would understand the consequences of the auditor not
> providing the necessary documentation.
> Personally, I find it rather amusing that we've got a "Quis custodiet ipsos
> custodes?" situation with auditors.  Kinda makes you wonder if giving
> auditing responsibility for technical systems to *accountants* was such a
> winning move...
> - Matt

I strongly agree with Matt Palmer's suggestion.

David E. Ross

The Crimea is Putin's Sudetenland.
The Ukraine will be Putin's Czechoslovakia.
See <http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_PutinUkraine.html>.
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