On 05/16/2017 06:05 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> 
> writes:
> Unless someone has a means of managing frequent updates of the root
> infrastructure (and there isn't one, or at least none that work), this will
> never fly.  There's a reason why roots have 20-40 year lifetimes and why they
> get on-sold endlessly across different owners rather than simply being
> replaced when required.
> Peter.

Arguably, this would be a nice thing to fix since it could help reduce
issues with CA's changing owners. If we could update root stores
retroactively, it would make a lot of migrations simpler. For example,
if a device took the entire Mozilla root store before CNNIC was booted
out, those devices would still trust those certificates. Given the
glacier pace some things update at, having a type of root agility would
be rather desirable.

Just spitballing ideas here, but in Alex's case, part of me would be
tempted to see if X509 could be extended with a new "CanIssueUntil"
field. Basically, it would act as an off switch for CA:TRUE after a
given date, but certificates signed before that would still be valid for
that root, and then can be wound down beyond that point.

Maybe a bit out there, but an interesting thought none the less. It
would definitely go a good way at preventing one root certificate from
underpinning a large chunk of the internet. My thought here is if a
large "Too Big to Fail" CA's private key was
compromised/factored/physically stolen, our only recourse would be to
remove them from the root store, and deal with half the internet
breaking. Would be nice if that could not be a thing.
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