Mozilla has decided that there is sufficient concern about the
activities and operations of the CA "PROCERT" to collect together our
list of current concerns. That list can be found here:

Note that this list may expand or reduce over time as issues are
investigated further, with information either from our or our
community's investigations or from PROCERT.

We expect PROCERT to engage in a public discussion of these issues and
give their comments and viewpoint. We also hope that our community will
make comments, and perhaps provide additional information based on their
own investigations.

When commenting on these issues, please clearly state which issue you
are addressing on each occasion. The issues have been given identifying
letters to help with this.

At the end of a public discussion period between Mozilla, our community
and PROCERT, which we hope will be no longer than a couple of weeks,
Mozilla will move to make a decision about the continued trust of
PROCERT, based on the picture which has then emerged.


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