Did you ever hear from them?

On Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 11:18:13 AM UTC-5 Ben Wilson wrote:

> All,
> March 1 was the scheduled end of public discussion on this matter. 
> However, I have one unresolved question that I have presented to the CA 
> operator and its audit firm regarding ACAB'c membership (see MRSP section 
> 3.2). As soon as I hear back on that question, I'll provide a summary of 
> the entire discussion here.
> Thanks,
> Ben 
> On Friday, February 23, 2024 at 7:36:13 AM UTC-7 regist...@e-monitoring.at 
> wrote:
>> *Preface* 
>> The only thing that changed is the ownership, and the ownership is 
>> represented by the new management. This only formal change has already been 
>> notified to the authorities and approved and registered. The rest remains 
>> unchanged.
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH fulfills different trust service requirements 
>> from ISO/IEC, eIDAS / ETSI, CA/Browser Forum to Root Program requirements, 
>> remains a member of the European Trust List (EUTL) as before and is 
>> permanently monitored by the Austrian Supervisory Body (RTR/TKK) and 
>> regularly assessed by a Conformity Assessment Body.
>> The management has changed from Hans G. Zeger to Emmanouil Kontos and 
>> Markus Kirchmayr. The takeover of the company includes the taking over of 
>> the existing, trained and trusted staff which results in no changes except 
>> top management. e-commerce monitoring GmbH continues to provide 
>> certification and trust services according to the respective policies.
>> It is in the interest of AUSTRIA CARD-Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme 
>> Gesellschaft m.b.H. that e-commerce monitoring GmbH continues to fully 
>> comply with the Browser/OS Root Store Policies.
>> *Ownership and Governance*
>> The ultimate beneficial owner is Nikolaos Lykos. The new shareholder of 
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH is AUSTRIA CARD-Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme 
>> Gesellschaft m.b.H., Nikolaos Lykos owns 77.57 % of shares in AUSTRIACARD 
>> HOLDINGS AG, which is the parent company of AUSTRIA CARD-Plastikkarten und 
>> Ausweissysteme Gesellschaft m.b.H. (it is owned 100% by AUSTRIACARD 
>> AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG is a publically listed company with subsidiaries 
>> in Europe and the USA (please find more details in the prospectus on 
>> AUSTRIACARD´s website (
>> https://www.austriacard.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/AustriaCard_Prospectus_24.01.2023_FINAL.PUBLICATIONpdf.pdf
>> )
>> Emmanouil Kontos is the Managing Director of the company and authorized 
>> to represent the company solely. Markus Kirchmayr is authorized to 
>> represent the company jointly with Emmanouil Kontos. Both will not take any 
>> trusted roles in the CA operations. 
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH is maintaining the Key Management as well as 
>> the respective roles of Key Manager and Key Custodian through the existing, 
>> trained and trusted staff
>> Major decisions regarding finance and management topics are made by the 
>> Managing Director Emmanouil Kontos in consultation with Markus Kirchmayr 
>> Major decisions regarding operative topics are made by the Managing 
>> Director Emmanouil Kontos in consultation with the key manager. The 
>> decision making structure can be defined as follows:
>> ·         Define the problem or decision that needs to be madeGather 
>> information and options
>> ·         Analyze the information and options
>> ·         Select the best option
>> ·         Plan for implementation
>> ·         Implement the plan
>> *Investment and Budget*
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH is now 100% subsidiary of AUSTRIA 
>> CARD-Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme Gesellschaft m.b.H., which is 
>> classified as “große Kapitalgesellschaft” (large corporation) and therefore 
>> needs to comply with all regulations of the Austrian GmbHG (limited 
>> liabilities company Act) and UGB  (Commercial Code).
>> In addition e-commerce monitoring GmbH is therefore part of group of 
>> companies of AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG, which is also classified as “große 
>> Kapitalgesellschaft” (large corporation) and in addition is a listed 
>> company on stock exchange in Vienna and Athens. Therefore AUSTRIACARD 
>> HOLDINGS AG needs to comply with all regulations of Austrian Aktiengesetz 
>> (Joint Stock Corporation Act) and Börsegesetz (Stock Exchange Act).
>> AUSTRIA CARD-Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme Gesellschaft m.b.H, with 
>> over 40 years of experience in providing high security solutions, is 
>> maintaining an Information Security Management System as part of the ISO 
>> 27001 framework which is certified and audited on a regular basis. 
>> Furthermore Austria Card has established security policies and process to 
>> comply and be certified according other security standards like ISO 14298 
>> as well as Payment Card Industry standards PCI CP, PCI DSS and a 
>> qualification management system according to ISO 9001:2015.
>> In the interest of fair competition we prefer not to disclose any 
>> strategic, budget or any other internal confidential information.
>> *Community Engagement*
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH is committed to serving a diverse range of 
>> communities, both locally and globally. Further, we strive to create 
>> products and services that meet the needs of various demographics. 
>> Additionally, we prioritize inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that 
>> our offerings are accessible to individuals from all walks of life.
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH is actively monitoring various legal 
>> information databases, other sources like Certification Authorities and 
>> Trust Service Providers portals by ETSI, the websites of CA Browser Forum 
>> and root store operators as well as participation and exchange of 
>> information with various industry partners through events and projects.
>> Additionally, e-commerce monitoring GmbH has established partnerships 
>> with regulatory institutions, security researchers, certification partners 
>> as well as customer relations which pro-actively inform e-commerce 
>> monitoring GmbH regarding significant changes, requirements and risks 
>> concerning security and compliance throughout the whole Web PKI. 
>> *Employees*
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH has established policies like “GLOBALTRUST 
>> Certificate Policy” which continue to apply. 
>> For reference and directions please consult particularly sections 5.2 
>> Procedural controls and 5.3 Personnel
>>    - Most recent: Version 3.2a / 16th February, 2024 controls 
>>    https://service.globaltrust.eu/static/globaltrust-certificate-policy.pd 
>>    <https://service.globaltrust.eu/static/globaltrust-certificate-policy.pdf>
>>    f
>>    - Prior: Version 3.2 / 19th August 2023: 
>> https://service.globaltrust.eu/static/globaltrust-certificate-policy.20230819.pdf
>> There is no change to the staff in trusted roles. Employees in trusted 
>> roles remain as they have been. Only the top level management has been 
>> replaced. We are not able to disclose any background information on 
>> individuals. Skills and experience have been audited and, in part, are 
>> known to the Root Program responsible.
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH employs personnel with over 30 years of 
>> experience in cryptography, data protection and in general providing PKI 
>> technology solutions.
>> The audited systems implemented by the trusted personnel of e-commerce 
>> monitoring GmbH are fulfilling different trust service requirements from 
>> ISO/IEC, eIDAS / ETSI, CAB Forum to root store policies which additionally 
>> are monitored on a regularly basis both through automated system and manual 
>> audit processes.
>> Further, e-commerce monitoring GmbH monitors CA incidents and other 
>> relevant discussions over the following community groups:
>> ·         Bugzilla platform (
>> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Incident_Dashboard)
>> ·         dev-security-policy group hosted by Google (
>> https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/dev-security-policy)
>> ·         CCADB Public group hosted by Google (
>> https://groups.google.com/a/ccadb.org/g/public)
>> ·         CAB Forum mailing lists:
>> o   https://lists.cabforum.org/mailman/listinfo/netsec 
>> o   https://lists.cabforum.org/mailman/listinfo/public 
>> o   https://lists.cabforum.org/mailman/listinfo/smcwg-public 
>> o   https://lists.cabforum.org/mailman/listinfo/validation 
>> o   https://lists.cabforum.org/mailman/listinfo/servercert-wg 
>> *Operational Design and Ongoing GRC Management*
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH are designed, built and maintained according 
>> to the requirements including but not limited to ISO/IEC, eIDAS / ETSI, CAB 
>> Forum, root store policies as well as the established policies by 
>> GLOBALTRUST. Additionally, these systems have a continuous audit history 
>> carried out by qualified accredited bodies. The most recent RootCA 
>> GLOBALTRUST 2020 has a gapless cradle-to-the-grave audit including a key 
>> ceremony report and EV readiness attestation.
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH maintains extensive public and internal 
>> documentation which additionally has been presented to and audited by the 
>> Austrian supervisory body (RTR/TKK).
>> The audited systems enforce various automated controls and tests 
>> including but not limited to pre-issuance linting tests utilizing the 
>> well-known open source tools.
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH has implemented automated monitoring systems 
>> that permanently evaluate the system security parameters, performance, 
>> availability and the resulting quality KPIs of the trusted services. 
>> Deviations from the expected quality KPIs trigger the notification and 
>> remediation process of our trained IT personnel during working hours and 
>> standby. 
>> Additionally, manual and automated self-audits are carried out on a 
>> quarterly basis against a random percentage of all issued certificates as 
>> required.
>> *Auditing* 
>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH will continue to be evaluated by the auditor 
>> “A-SIT Zentrum für sichere Informationstechnologie” – Austria under the 
>> eIDAS / ETSI audit scheme.
>> The most recent audit attestation including auditor’s accreditation scope 
>> and team qualification can be found under the provided URl and follows the 
>> ACAB-c template in its most recent version: 
>> https://www.a-sit.at/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/VIG-23-044_audit-attestation_globaltrust-etsi-2023_final_signed.pdf
>> The most recent eIDAS conformity assessment report can be found here:  
>> https://service.globaltrust.eu/static/conformity-assessment-2023.pdf
>> Here is a quick bottom-up way to reproduce the auditor's qualifications:
>>    -  Accreditation scope A-SIT: 
>>    https://akkreditierung-austria.gv.at/overview  (see A-SIT)
>>    -  Notification of  A-SIT as CAB: (Name “Zentrum für sichere 
>>    Informationstechnologie – Austria“ Acronym: “A-SIT”)
>>    -  Notification of Akkreditierung Austria as NAB: 
>>    https://eidas.ec.europa.eu/efda/browse/notification/cab-nab
>>    - Accreditation / “Akkreditierung Austria” at EA: 
>> https://european-accreditation.org/ea-members/directory-of-ea-members-and-mla-signatories/
>> A-SIT has been recorded as auditor in the CCADB with Audit Firm 
>> Confidence Status as evaluated by Root Store Managers “High” 
>> https://ccadb.my.site.com/s/detail/a0F1J00001ICCfqUAH  
>> <https://ccadb.my.site.com/s/detail/a0F1J00001ICCfqUAH>
>> On Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 1:19:33 PM UTC+1 e-commerce monitoring 
>> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH is now 100% subsidiary of AUSTRIA 
>>> CARD-Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme Gesellschaft m.b.H., which is 
>>> classified as “große Kapitalgesellschaft” (large corporation) and therefore 
>>> needs to comply with all regulations of the Austrian GmbHG (limited 
>>> liabilities company Act) and UGB (Commercial Code).
>>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH was taken over as a fully functional and 
>>> independent entity inside the AUSTRIA CARD group of companies. The 
>>> certified policies, processes and commitments of e-commerce monitoring GmbH 
>>> continue to apply.
>>> The takeover of the company also includes the taking over of the 
>>> established staff which results in no changes except top management and 
>>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH will continue to adhere and operate according to 
>>> the respective policies.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Daniel
>>> On Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 12:22:36 AM UTC+1 Ben Wilson wrote:
>>>> Hi Aaron,
>>>> On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 3:00 PM Aaron Gable <aa...@letsencrypt.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> e-commerce monitoring GmbH currently has multiple open bugzilla 
>>>>> tickets which have not had any updates from their staff in multiple 
>>>>> months:
>>>>> - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1815534
>>>>> - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1862004
>>>> Correct - the questions raised by these incidents still need to be 
>>>> answered.
>>>>> Does the behavior of the CA being acquired factor into decisions like 
>>>>> this, or just the behavior of the acquiring entity? 
>>>> The behavior of the entity being acquired and the capabilities and 
>>>> history of the acquiring company are relevant, going back for an 
>>>> unspecified period of time. (Factors to be considered in deciding how far 
>>>> to go back include the nature and severity of any non-compliance and the 
>>>> degree to which any incidents reveal persistent, systemic problems.) 
>>>>> If a distrust conversation were to arise in the future, how do root 
>>>>> programs ensure that bugs filed under previous corporate names are still 
>>>>> included in the analysis?
>>>> We have not experienced a lot of M&A/name-change activity recently. I 
>>>> believe the Mozilla Community has sufficient continuity, institutional 
>>>> memory, and community-based knowledge about the history of CA operators. 
>>>> So, I think this concern can be handled when needed with comments from 
>>>> community members, and changes in the names of CA operators should not 
>>>> require that we create a new tracking solution. (If incidents are 
>>>> sufficiently recent or still have relevance, then we could update the 
>>>> Bugzilla bugs "Summaries" by replacing the name of the previous operator 
>>>> with the name of the new entity when there is a name change or CA operator 
>>>> replacement.) 
>>>> Ben
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Aaron
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 5:25 PM Ben Wilson <bwi...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Suchan,
>>>>>> You make a valid point. However, in this case, I wasn't sure how 
>>>>>> other root stores would be handling this. They may have their own 
>>>>>> processes. Also, the distribution on this list is almost 3x greater than 
>>>>>> on 
>>>>>> the CCADB public list, so I decided to post the discussion here. 
>>>>>> If the other root stores want to have a public discussion of this 
>>>>>> acquisition, then we can start a discussion on CCADB Public, too.
>>>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 5:53 PM Suchan Seo <tjt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>  While not have knowledge to comment about acquire itself, doesn't 
>>>>>>> this more fit to ccadb mailing list? I thought root store policy about 
>>>>>>> individual root was moved to there
>>>>>>> 2024년 2월 3일 토요일 오전 1시 45분 19초 UTC+9에 Ben Wilson님이 작성:
>>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>>> Recently we were advised that e-commerce monitoring GmbH is being 
>>>>>>>> acquired by AUSTRIA CARD-Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme GmbH.
>>>>>>>> e-commerce monitoring operates the GLOBALTRUST 2020 root CA that is 
>>>>>>>> included in the Mozilla root store. They have advised us of the 
>>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>>> There are no changes to the operation of the CA and RA functions.
>>>>>>>> Changes to the corporate structure:
>>>>>>>> - New shareholder:
>>>>>>>> AUSTRIA CARD-Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme Gesellschaft m.b.H.
>>>>>>>> registered under the number FN 98272v commercial court Vienna
>>>>>>>> Lamezanstraße 4-8
>>>>>>>> 1230 Vienna, Austria
>>>>>>>> https://www.austriacard.com/
>>>>>>>> - New Management
>>>>>>>> new: CEO ("Geschäftsführer") Mr. Emmanouil Kontos
>>>>>>>> new: Attorney ("Prokurist") Mr. Markus Kirchmayr
>>>>>>>> old: CEO Hans Zeger
>>>>>>>> - Registered headquarter
>>>>>>>> new: Handelskai 388/621, 1020 Vienna, Austria
>>>>>>>> old: Redtenbachergasse 20, 1160 Vienna, Austria
>>>>>>>> According to section 8.1 of the Mozilla Root Store Policy, “If the 
>>>>>>>> receiving or acquiring company is new to the Mozilla root store, it 
>>>>>>>> MUST 
>>>>>>>> demonstrate compliance with the entirety of this policy. There MUST be 
>>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>>> public discussion regarding its admittance to the root store. If 
>>>>>>>> Mozilla 
>>>>>>>> reaches a positive conclusion after public discussion, then the 
>>>>>>>> affected 
>>>>>>>> certificate(s) MAY remain in the root store.”
>>>>>>>> By this email, I am initiating a four-week public discussion 
>>>>>>>> period, scheduled to close on Friday, 1-March-2024, to allow for at 
>>>>>>>> least 
>>>>>>>> three full weeks of public discussion. The first week (Feb. 5 – 9) is 
>>>>>>>> intended to give the acquiring company time to address the following 
>>>>>>>> topics:
>>>>>>>> ·        Compliance with the Mozilla Root Store Policy
>>>>>>>> ·        Ownership and governance
>>>>>>>> ·        Investment and budget for CA operations, risk management, 
>>>>>>>> and compliance
>>>>>>>> ·        Community engagement and involvement in industry groups
>>>>>>>> ·        Employee expertise and continuity
>>>>>>>> ·        Operational design and ongoing GRC management
>>>>>>>> ·        Auditors and auditing
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Ben Wilson
>>>>>>>> Mozilla Root Store Program
>>>>>>> -- 
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  • Public Discussi... Ben Wilson
    • Re: Public... Suchan Seo
      • Re: Pu... Ben Wilson
        • Re... 'Aaron Gable' via dev-security-policy@mozilla.org
          • ... Ben Wilson
            • ... e-commerce monitoring
              • ... e-commerce monitoring
                • ... Ben Wilson
                • ... 'Amir Omidi (aaomidi)' via dev-security-policy@mozilla.org
                • ... 'Ben Wilson' via dev-security-policy@mozilla.org
                • ... 'Amir Omidi (aaomidi)' via dev-security-policy@mozilla.org
                • ... Roman Fischer
                • ... Wayne
                • ... 'Rob Stradling' via dev-security-policy@mozilla.org
                • ... Wayne
                • ... Andrew Ayer
                • ... Wayne
                • ... 'Amir Omidi (aaomidi)' via dev-security-policy@mozilla.org
                • ... e-commerce monitoring

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