Gervase Markham wrote:

>> 1.) White address / tool bar and padlock ON for Domain / Email validated
>> only (Class 1).
>> 2.) Yellow address / tool bar and padlock ON for Identity / Business
>> validated (Class 2 & 3).
>> 3.) Green address / tool bar and padlock ON for EV certificates (Class
>> 4).
> What benefit is there to users of having a more complex system such as
> this? EV _is_ Identity/Business validated.

EV would be at best Class 3, Class 4 would be extensive background
checks, not just providing ID documents and this potentially would have
some weight as it could provide a history on a person but *ONLY* if they
have been caught and prosecuted, but would give more scope then ID
documents do.

By background checks I'm leaning more toward criminal then civial credit
checks, credit checks don't prove much in this respect as even honest
people can have bad credit through mis-management etc, and learn from it
next time, criminal checks that show a history of fraud and deception on
the other hand is a different matter.

Although this would really be no deterrent either, as people that have
been bankrupt in the past simply hide behind a family member that does
have good credit etc, until any statutes of limitations kick in...


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Because is a tax on VoIP

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    but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
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