On 02/06/2010 06:08 PM, David E. Ross:
Do you know a source of free "verified code signing certificates"?

I think some CAs provide to open source projects code singing certificates for free. Otherwise the cheapest I know are around 50 US$, a bit cheaper when purchased as a group.

add-ons are freeware developed by individuals who do it as a hobby.

So what! I used to ram RC model planes into the ground and enjoy motorbikes...hobbies aren't cheap. I pay membership fees for various groups I (would like to) participate etc.

Nobody is forcing anybody to participate. But is the security of the many worth the bucks somebody would save because of that? Perhaps Mozilla should explicitly state the conditions for participating at Mozilla Addons.

Requiring code-signing subscriber certificates would add a cost that few
could afford.

I'm close to my tears :-)

But probably most of them have a work station about double the price than the computer I'm working on at the moment.


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