On 02/06/2010 08:42 PM, Michael Lefevre:
On 06/02/2010 15:04, Eddy Nigg wrote:
Isn't it about time that extensions and applications get signed with
verified code signing certificates? Adblock Plus is doing for a while
now I think, perhaps other should too?

I don't know if more details are available than have been published so far, but I don't see how code signing would have helped. Unless I'm missing something code signing just confirms that the code comes from whoever signed it.


How does a certificate prevent someone signing malicious code?

No, it doesn't. But I guess you would think twice to sign (malicious) code with your name - any code for that matter. And it obviously doesn't prevent accidents and mistakes, but a certain care would be added by signing the code and probably prevent intentional cases.


Signer:  Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
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