
I am experimenting with phising protection and need someone to give my
concept a good kicking around and find out if it breaks.

I wrote some proof-of-concept code which is availble here. It should
only be used on test systems (no encryption, error checks...yet).


The Concept:

Simple explanation: If the user is about to send his password to a
page he never visited before he is warned.

Complicated stuff: To reduce FPs (wrong warning every time a password
is sent) lots of stuff needs to be done. At the moment, the plugin
contains a whitelist, checks the internal password DB of firefox and
uses stored "good sites".
My goal is to reduce confirmation dialogs to max. 1/year for an
average user and to be able to identify phising in a quality where we
can just block page loading and notify the user "Phising blocked".

I need some experienced security guys to play with the idea and give
some feedback. Thanks and have fun !
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