On 8 Dez., 19:53, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On 12/8/10 5:04 AM, thorsten wrote:
> > What is a bit risky is: Can they hide the password entry or the form
> > itself ?
> Yes.

Heck...this is the only thing where I have no plan B. Can you please
tell me how you would hide a password entry from a tool scanning the

> > If they hack something together to hide it, can we detect
> > this hack ?
> Maybe.  There are lots and lots of ways to hide things; detecting them
> all without hitting false positives would be a pretty tall order.

If I get this approved as an official research project in my company,
I could get a server facing the internet. With a whitelist "in-the-
cloud" as last line of defense I could be a bit more daring and would
also get direct feedback whats is going wrong where.
FPs can be reduced by just asking the server before warning the user.

> > Is there another way to detect if a password has just been
> > sent ?
> What do you mean?

At the moment I am looking for a password entry in the DOM tree (with
attributes matching the HTTP request). This way I detect "Password
sent". HTTP content is not relevant. Maybe you got a better idea how
to detect that a password is about to be sent.

> > Is it possible to restrict keypress event listening to non-
> > password entries only?
> Not without breaking existing use cases (e.g. my FIOS modem's login page
> relies on a key listener on the password field, as far as I can tell;
> certainly the length of the text in the field changes by >1 for every
> keystroke I make).

Right....I've seen that somewhere too.

Worst case: I would have make the criteria that link a password entry
to a HTTP request less strict. This will be causing more FPs that must
be handled by other smart code in this extension. I still have some
ideas how to reduce warning messages.

If it flies there will be one more way to fight phising. If it breaks
I at least learned how to write larger Firefox Extensions.

On the bottom line I  just want to find out if there are any other
ways besides creating and maintaining blacklists. Some things I was
already able to implement in our AV-HTML-Heuristics that worked better
than expected. But having the behavior of the phising page, more would
be possible.


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