On 7 Dez., 01:02, Justin Dolske <dol...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 12/2/10 1:58 AM, thorsten wrote:
> > The Concept:
> > Simple explanation: If the user is about to send his password to a
> > page he never visited before he is warned.
> Seems like this could be easily bypassed by a phishing page that uses JS
> to listen for keypress events (as the password is typed). Or even,
> depending on how/when you check, simple obfuscation of the submitted value.
> Justin

Hi Justin. Thanks for your input. I was hoping for someone to join.

I also fear the evil guys will try to bypass it. I already have some
ideas how to prevent some tricks but I am not sure if they will
prevent every possible trick out there.
At the moment the extension is checking if there is a password field
in a form leading to the target page. The password itself is NOT
I do not even check if there is any GET/POST data in the HTTP header.

What is a bit risky is: Can they hide the password entry or the form
itself ? If they hack something together to hide it, can we detect
this hack ? Is there another way to detect if a password has just been
sent ? Is it possible to restrict keypress event listening to non-
password entries only?
(I work for AVIRA, an AV company and I really love bad guys doing a
hell of a trick that can be detected easily. Just force them to do
something obvious and stupid and you can easily catch them).

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