To be clear, the feature page currently proposes to implement a minimal, 
universal click to play for all plugins as the initial phase.  That gives us 
some time to figure out the long term strategy.

On Mar 6, 2012, at 11:31 PM, Lucas Adamski wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thank you for the thoughtful feedback!  
> How about this for a strawman:
> - plugin behavior is driven by the blocklist for agility
> - softblock is typical "click-thru" to play
> - hardblock requires some significant interaction (context menu or 
> safebrowsing type inline warning)
> - user can override default behavior via context menu and/or 
> about:permissions per-site or globally
> - a (negative) change in blocklist status resets any permissive user 
> preference for that plugin
> - this doesn't resolve the question of what the default behavior is for 
> plugins not in the blocklist. Maybe "run by default" is ok provided there is 
> a first-run warning?
> - playing a piece of content enables all plugin content of the same type in a 
> page
> - content has a way of easily discovering that a given plugin is 
> installed-but-disabled
> Thanks,
>   Lucas.
> On Mar 2, 2012, at 5:16 PM, Asa Dotzler <> wrote:
>> On 3/2/2012 4:27 PM, Lucas Adamski wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We are actively working on opt-in activation for plugins, and have updated 
>>> the feature page listed here with our
>>> thinking: 
>>> This feature is intended to help with drive-by security issues and general 
>>> stability and resource consumption issues,
>>> but cannot by itself mitigate all plugin security risks. As you can see 
>>> there are a number of open questions there,
>>> especially in terms of desirable behavior in each of the use cases. I'd 
>>> like to discuss the pros and cons of each option
>>> here, and then I'll update the feature page to reflect our discussions. 
>>> Thanks!
>>> Lucas.
>> I love that this project is finally getting some traction. This is going to 
>> be a big win for our users if we get it right.  Some thoughts below:
>>>     • What type of UX to have for allowing users to opt in (or out) of 
>>> enabling plugins on a (semi)persistent basis? See below in "Use Cases".
>> Seems like a context click on the plug-in could pop a menu with "play" and 
>> "always play for this site" and "always play for this plug-in type". 
>>>     • What determines if a plugin is click-to-play vs always disabled vs 
>>> always enabled? See "Use Cases" below.
>> There are competing interests here: Security, usability, standing in the Web 
>> ecosystem, etc.  I think we should develop a couple of different policies.  
>> We should decide what we want to do for insecure plug-ins and that should be 
>> our first and primary approach.  Second, we should decide if certain 
>> plug-ins have low enough usage and high enough security surface increase to 
>> warrant being disabled.  The first part will be easier, I suspect. The 
>> second part will sound to some like "picking winners" -- and to an extent it 
>> is.  I actually think of it a bit differently -- that we're grandfathering 
>> in some established plug-ins where the experience would be simply too 
>> painful to too many users while also setting a new bar for everyone else. 
>> (If I was king, we'd click-to play everything except Flash and start 
>> planning on eventually click-to-playing that.)
>> We should also measure (I believe Firefox telemetry can tell us) the usage 
>> of various plug-ins so we understand the user impact of this program.
>> We can certainly start out only applying a security policy but if we build 
>> decent "always play this type for this site" and "always play this type 
>> anywhere" controls I won't feel too bad about putting the extra hoop there 
>> for longtail plug-ins to jump through.
>>>     • How do we manage these click to play settings? It would bad to 
>>> hard-code them, and much better to deliver via our existing blocklist 
>>> mechanism.
>> The difficult cases may be sorting out the user-set settings and our 
>> multiple types of blocklist settings and which take precedent for which 
>> kinds of blocks. 
>>>     • Differentiating plugins by type - should enabling (or clicking) Flash 
>>> enable Java on a given page, for example?
>> I think not. I think the message should be "disable/enable this type of 
>> plug-in [for this site only/globally]" I wouldn't expect that turning on 
>> Flash to watch videos at YouTube would turn on Java or Google's Video Chat 
>> plug-in.  Then again, I'm not certain most users will understand either way 
>> so we should think about this carefully and make our defaults as good as 
>> possible with very simple (and few) optional settings.
>>>     • Adverse reactions between content plugin sniffing and click-to-play
>>>             • Bsmedberg asks in bug 711552: "Are we exposing to the DOM 
>>> that a particular plugin element (<object> or <embed> is user-disabled?) 
>>> This seems important for websites that rely primarily on plugins (e.g. 
>>> Pandora) so that they can show alternate UI (plugins are disabled, please 
>>> click to play) instead of timing out and showing a generic "please install 
>>> Flash" or "Song initialization timed out, please hit refresh" UI."
>>>             • Can content differentiate between "click to play" and 
>>> "hard-disabled for security reasons"?
>> If we believe that sites would check for a user-disabled flag, I think 
>> that's a fine idea.   If sites could differentiate between user setting and 
>> security blocklisting, they could recommend upgrades to users who have the 
>> security block. I'm not sure if they would do that. 
>>>     • Risk of clickjacking - is this something we should try to mitigate ?
>> Clickjacking the click to play?  Well, if we have two different UIs for 
>> enabling plug-ins based on whether it was a user setting or a blocklist 
>> setting (or a blocklist soft vs hardblock) then maybe so.  I could imagine 
>> that for "hardblocked for security purposes" plug-ins could require a right 
>> click menu where softblocked or user blocked for convenience and generally 
>> lowered security surface" plugins could be enabled with a single left click. 
>> The click to play overlay could also include some kind of warning or danger 
>> indication for security blocked plug-ins. 
>> - A

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