----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lucas Adamski" <ladam...@mozilla.com>
> Subject: Re: Opt-in activation for plugins (aka click to play)
> I have updated the feature page with proposed workflows based upon
> previous discussions and relatively little recent feedback.
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Opt-in_activation_for_plugins
> To summarize, I am proposing:
> ...
>       • User is tired of always clicking to play a given plugin (i.e.
>       YouTube, or their favorite Java game site)
>               • A user has clicked on this four times in 30 days, so
>               automatically enable this plugin on this site up to 30 days 
> after
>               last played or until user revokes this permission
>               (about:permissions?)

I think we should go with a simpler and more predictable model of providing a 
checkbox that is default-unchecked which remembers the setting on a per-site 
basis. If we want to expire permissions, I think we should do it on a longer 
timeline, more in the range of 3-6 months.

- Jared
dev-security mailing list

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