Sites like Facebook already have an image preview of their Flash links that 
users already have to click to play. We may need some way to avoid requiring 
multiple clicks to get at the plug-in content. 

-- Jet

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucas Adamski" <>
To: "Jared Wein" <>
Cc: "Asa Dotzler" <>, "Kev Needham" <>, 
"security-group group" <>, "Madhava Enros" 
<>, "Stephen Horlander" <>, "Justin 
Dolske" <>,
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 2:16:08 PM
Subject: Re: Opt-in activation for plugins (aka click to play)

On Apr 2, 2012, at 6:37 PM, Jared Wein wrote:

>> How would you implement a checkbox in a normal click-to-play
>> (in-content) experience?
>> To be clear that's a 30 day sliding window from last time content was
>> played there.  So if you visit a given site with plugin content (say
>> at least once every 30 days, you conceivably should not
>> see that prompt again unless you become vulnerable to a security
>> issue.
> We can put checkboxes in the plugin overlay, similar to what we have for 
> crashed plugins. When the overlay is too small to use we can add secondary 
> options in the doorhanger dropdown for users to choose to remember the 
> settings.

Ah ok, makes sense.  I'd love to get UX feedback here on these respective 
proposals (implicit persistence of permission on a sliding time window vs 
explicit checkbox in overlay).  Thanks!
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