On Apr 2, 2012, at 6:37 PM, Jared Wein wrote:

>> How would you implement a checkbox in a normal click-to-play
>> (in-content) experience?
>> To be clear that's a 30 day sliding window from last time content was
>> played there.  So if you visit a given site with plugin content (say
>> youtube.com) at least once every 30 days, you conceivably should not
>> see that prompt again unless you become vulnerable to a security
>> issue.
> We can put checkboxes in the plugin overlay, similar to what we have for 
> crashed plugins. When the overlay is too small to use we can add secondary 
> options in the doorhanger dropdown for users to choose to remember the 
> settings.

Ah ok, makes sense.  I'd love to get UX feedback here on these respective 
proposals (implicit persistence of permission on a sliding time window vs 
explicit checkbox in overlay).  Thanks!
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