On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:05:44 -0500
Ian Bicking wrote:

> - Use developer keys so uploads are signed; or continue to add new or
> better authentication over time to keep the uploading process secure
> - Keep a public log of updates
> - Remove or revert code that was found to be malicious (i.e., Mozilla could
> remove that code, not wait for the developer to act)
> - Do some automated review of the code
> - Potentially do manual review (manual review of code has at least been
> mentioned by some people, often based on Mozilla's review of addon code –
> I'm not sure if this is really practical, but maybe?)
> - We could obfuscate and compress code on our servers, so that we have
> access to review code before this process (while still maintaining
> developer privacy)
> - We can force developers to explain, in a somewhat structured way, what
> their updates do or why permissions have changed
> - How aggressive any of this review is can also depend on what permissions
> are being asked for, or what agreements developers are making with users

I believe you can do this with both systems?
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