On 22/03/12 07:32 AM, Jim Straus wrote:
  2) have the developer specify their code resources in a manifest/receipt and 
have the manifest include a signature from the store  (or at least a hash if 
the whole manifest is signed) for each f those code resources.

One slight distinction there. Once the developer has settled on the manifest, as the description and link to the app, then this can be signed or commented on *by multiple agents* not only the shop.

So, if you release your happy humphries app, I can sign it with my review key saying it was cool. Luke can sign it with his coder's key saying it was safe. A shop can sign it saying it was IP-sound. etc etc.

What and how these comments/signatures/claims are delivered is a wider application question. The point is that these claims are now distributed and robust to all the normal single points of failure that bedevil Apple store and google store and so forth.

I don't know whether this makes a separate design under your 1,2 above.

One question: has it been decided that dynamic delivery of code is a requirement as such? If it is, more thinking to be done. (by all, I suspect :) )

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