I get your point about adding extra attack surface, but my thought was SSL has 
a fairly narrow and heavily tested attack surface compared to whatever 
signed/secured format is used. (i.e. an attacker could send unsigned malformed 
pages/packages to attack B2G.)

And actually the phones SSL stack will be exposed to attack every time the 
browser app visits a website, so this isn't adding any attack surface.

On Mar 22, 2012, at 9:03 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 12:50:33 +1100
> ptheriault wrote:
>> 1. I can't think of any reason not to deploy privileged applications over 
>> SSL, and the more strict the better (HSTS, limited certs, additional checks 
>> etc)
> I offer SSL on for example mail servers. It gripes me that companies
> like Yahoo and hotmail offer ssl to clients but don't use it on their
> MTAs. False sense of security or what.
> However, if an app is signed or already secured then what is the SSl
> doing apart from adding extra exploitability to the servers.  OpenSSL
> has had exploits too and actually increases the attack surface. Of
> course the server may already have SSL for other things like logging
> in, in which case the point may be mute.
> Trust me, I'm definately all for defence in depth, but is it actually
> adding cracks by adding more bricks in this case? On the other hand, if
> using externally signed packages, will it matter if the server is
> compromised via SSL anyway? The most important thing to get right
> will obviously be the key creation/handling/issuing policy.
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