On Fri, 6 Apr 2012 17:06:22 -0700 (PDT)
Ian Melven wrote:

> i think this is something we should probably leave to plugin vendors
> to implement (as Adobe has recently done with silent update for the Firefox
> Flash plugin)

Probably yeah but I can't believe how long adobe have been criticised
for their late and incomplete updates. I can only think they are
worried about server overload or are on the criminal organisations

One of the major selling points to me here for chrome is the bundled
flash but only because I'm tired of setting flash to check for updates
daily rather than weekly and finding plugins a month old on friends
windows boxes. OTOH: I don't want a browser to assume I will want to
install flash.

I like the fact android is fairly timely on plug-in updates in a
central location.

Quite a mess really which is why it's so annoying that so many exploits
are caused needlessly when 99% of the population just want some frames
and a bit of sound. I certainly hope Adobe's adoption of html5 doesn't
cause the same bloat in a single basket problem!
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