add ons manager seems an ok place for this, i guess it depends on if/how we end 
up using about:permissions
to interact with click to play (revoking click to play, changing behavior for a 
particular site)

maybe add on manager controls global settings (all sites) per plugin and then 
does site specific ? about:permissions does have an 'all sites'/'global 
settings' piece too though.. 

the above is getting into the weeds of the UX/UI design, but i think we 
absolutely should
have a global (all sites) per plugin default somewhere where a user can easily
control the default behavior for a plugin :)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jared Wein" <>
To: "Robert Kaiser" <>
Cc: "Asa Dotzler" <>, "Lucas Adamski" <>, 
"Kev Needham" <>, "security-group group" 
<>, "Madhava Enros" <>, "Stephen 
Horlander" <>, "Justin Dolske" <>,
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 7:03:38 PM
Subject: Re: Opt-in activation for plugins (aka click to play)

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Kaiser" <>
> Subject: Re: Opt-in activation for plugins (aka click to play)
> Lucas Adamski schrieb:
> > To summarize, I am proposing:
> Can we have something in there that allows a user to place even
> something like Flash into an explicit click-to-play mode? (I think
> it's
> OK if the "enable for this site only if clicked often enough"
> mechanism
> applies for that, as long as I can opt into click-to-play for even
> the
> common plugins.)

Yeah, we could have something in the Add-ons Manager that does something like 

- Jared
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