>  On 13/01/12 00:01, Brian Smith wrote:
> > Ryan seems to be a great addition to the team. Welcome, Ryan!
>  Ryan - could you take a moment to introduce yourself? (Apologies if I
>  missed an earlier introduction.)

Sure Gerv. Don't worry, there were no missed introductions, though I have
been lurking here for several years, so you may have seen me pop in and
out of the threads.

After participating in the Chromium projects as a non-Google contributor
for the past two years-ish in my free time, I've recently joined Wan-Teh
at Google on the Chrome team. Among other things, I'll be continuing in my
involvement on Chrom[e/ium]'s crypto / TLS stack, which includes our use
of libpkix on Linux, and, as Brian mentioned, possibly other platforms in
the future, and NSS/libssl across all platforms.

Prior to joining Google, I managed the cross-platform PKI/TLS/crypto stack
for my previous employer, and helped guide the product through two NIST
FIPS 140-2 validations at Level 2 (hardware & software). My PKI experience
was primarily focused on the enterprise, educational, and government use
cases - smart cards, bridge CAs, revocation checking, non-root trust
anchors, etc - eg: the complex/annoying stuff. While this is a bit of a
different beast than the browser/web-oriented focus of Chrome and Firefox,
this experience hopefully allows me to bring a new/different perspective -
and certainly leaves me with some fun horror stories to share.

I'm looking forward to taking a more active role, transitioning from just
working around things in Chrom[e/ium] to working to integrate and upstream
proper fixes for the underlying issues.


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