
I agree; while I did not mention RFC 4158, it is a good reference. I echo your hope that someday, CERT_PKIXVerifyCert/libpkix will provide additional diagnostic information.

Some of my own observations:
- while a scoring method is useful (and certainly, an "objective" method is best), there is no universal scoring algorithm. We can, however, sort into two big piles: valid paths, and invalid paths.

- scoring and returning multiple paths imply that the system will compute all paths, rather than the minimum number of paths to identity a valid path (and then, if a valid path is found, quit).

- in the current libpkix design an "application" could supply PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback (see PKIX_CertSelector ->matchCallback and pkix_Build_InitiateBuildChain) to execute custom selection logic. I put "application" in quotes, because CERT_PKIXVerifyCert does not appear to have a mechanism to set the matchCallback.

- failing this, an "application" could attempt to search the local stores itself, then supply the candidate certificate path in cert_pi_certList. Unfortunately, the quotes apply here too: CERT_PKIXVerifyCert does not actually implement cert_pi_certList!


On 1/25/2012 6:10 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:

The "Path Building" logic/requirements/concerned you described is best
described within RFC 4158, which has been mentioned previously.

As Brian mentioned in the past, this was 'lumped in' with the description
of RFC 5280, but it's really its own thing.

libpkix reflects the union of RFC 4158's practices and RFC 5280's
requirements. As you note in your spreadsheet, libpkix already implements
the majority of 5280 (at least, the "important to browsers" / "commonly
used in PKIs including Internet PKIs"). While libpkix tries for some of
4158, it isn't exactly the most robust, nor is 4158 the end-all and be-all
of path building strategies.

I believe that over time, it would be useful (ergo likely) to implement
some of the scoring logic described in 4158 and hand-waved at by
Microsoft's CryptoAPI documentation, rather than its current logic of just
applying its checkers to see if the path MIGHT be valid in a DFS search,
so that libpkix returns not just a good path, but a close-to-optimal path,
and can also provide diagnostics for the paths not taken.


  I ended up writing a lot of text in response to this post, so, I am
  breaking up the response into three mini-responses.

  Part I

  On 1/18/2012 4:23 PM, Brian Smith wrote:
   >  Sean Leonard wrote:
   >>  The most glaring problem however is that when validation fails, such
   >>  as in the case of a revoked certificate, the API returns no
   >>  certificate chains
   >  My understanding is that when you are doing certificate path
  building, and you have to account for multiple possibilities any any
  point in the path, there is no partial chain that is better to return
  than any other one, so libpkix is better off not even trying to return a
  partial chain. The old code could return a partial chain somewhat
  sensibly because it only ever considered one possible cert (the "best"
  one, ha ha) at each point in the chain.

  For our application--and I would venture to generalize that for all
  sophisticated certificate-using applications (i.e., applications that
  can act upon more than just "valid/not valid")--more information is a
  lot better than less.

  I have been writing notes on Sean's Comprehensive Guide to Certification
  Path Validation. Here's a few paragraphs of Draft 0:

  Say you have a cert. You want to know if it's "valid". How do you
  determine if it's "valid"?

  A certificate is "valid" if it satisfies the RFC 5280 Certification Path
  Validation Algorithm. Given:
  * a certification path of length n (the leaf cert and all certs up to
  the trust anchor--in RFC 5280, it is said that cert #1 is the one
  closest to the trust anchor, and cert n is the leaf cert you're
  * the time,
  * "policy-stuff",<-- hand-wavy because few people in the SSL/TLS world
  worry about this but it's actually given a lot of space in the RFC
  * permitted name subtrees,
  * excluded name subtrees,
  * trust anchor information (issuer name, public key info)

  you run the algorithm, and out pops:
  * success/failure,
  * the working public key (of the cert you're validating),
  * "policy-stuff",<-- again, hand-wavy
  and anything else that you could have gleaned on the way.

  But, this doesn't answer the obvious initial question: how do you
  construct "a certification path of length n" if you only have the
  initial cert? RFC 5280 doesn't prescribe any particular algorithm, but
  it does have some requirements (i.e., if you say you support X, you MUST
  support it by doing it Y way).

  "Certification Path Construction" is where we get into a little bit more
  black art and try to make some tradeoffs based on speed, privacy,
  comprehensiveness, and so forth.

  Imagine that you know all the certificates ever issued in the known
  universe. Given a set of trust anchors (ca name + public key), you
  should be able to draw lines from your cert through some subset of
  certificates to your trust anchors. What you'll find is that you've got
  a big tree (visually, but not necessarily in the computer science sense;
  it's actually a directed acyclic graph), where your cert is at the root
  and the TAs are at the leaves. The nodes are linked by virtue of the
  fact that the issuer DN in the prior cert is equal to the subject DN in
  the next cert, or to the ca name in the trust anchor.

  Practically, you search the local database(s) for all certificates that
  match the issuer DN in the subject. If no certificates (or in your
  opinion, an insufficient number of certificates) are returned, then, you
  will want to resort to other methods, such as using the caIssuers AIA
  extension (HTTP or LDAP), looking in other remote stores, or otherwise.

  The ideal way (Way #1) to represent the output is by a tree, where each
  node has zero or more children, and the root node is your target cert.
  In lieu of a tree, you can represent it as an array of cert paths
  (chains) (way #2). Way #2 is the way that Microsoft
  CertGetCertificateChain validation function returns its results,

  Once you have all of these possibilities, you'll want to start pruning,
  which involves non-cryptography (e.g., checking for basic constraints),
  actual cryptography (digital signature verification), and more
  non-cryptography (e.g., time bounds and name constraints). The general
  received wisdom is to start verifying signatures from the trust anchor
  public key(s) down to the leaf, rather than the other way around,
  because otherwise an attacker can DoS your algorithm by putting in a
  99999999 bit RSA key or some such. Incidentally, this is also one
  argument why "unknown/untrusted issuer" is much worse than some folks
  want to assume, but I understand that is a sensitive point among some
  technical people so the main point is that you have to provide as much
  of this information as possible to the validation-using application
  (Firefox, Thunderbird, Penango, IPsec kernel, whatever) so that the
  application can figure out these tradeoffs. If you keep it in the tree
  form, you can eliminate whole branches of the tree. Eliminate could mean
  a) don't report the path at all, or b) report the path anyway but stop
  reporting the litany of all possible errors associated with each point
  along the path.

  Each node in the tree (i.e., each cert along each path) can suffer from
  a multiplicity of problems. For example, it can be expired AND revoked
  AND have bad formatting AND have an improper key usage AND violate the
  name constraints. (Note that things like expired and violate name
  constraints are path-dependent, so although you have one tree, you
  actually have all this different state information based on each unique
  path through the mountain of certs to the trust anchors.) Some of these
  are obviously "really bad" but there are judgment calls that each
  application needs to make on its own merits.

  To save time, you can eliminate certificates in the "universe" or in the
  first non-cryptography step, rather than in the post-cryptography step.
  For example, if a "certificate" is not actually proper ASN.1 or has some
  pathological problem like an extension that is not DER-encoded, you
  could just say "well, that's not a real certificate" and exclude it from
  the universe. Likewise, all certificates are potentially end-entity
  certificates but not all certificates are CAs. If the cert is a v3 cert
  and lacks basicConstraints or has basicConstraints CA=FALSE, you could
  simply eliminate that from your universe of certs you will even consider
  using for path construction. That is one of several examples where a
  single bit is trivialized by a lot of implementations, which leads to
  long-running exploits (e.g., the Apple iOS basicConstraints exploit,
  although many other crypto stacks made the same mistake). When the CA
  bit(s) are off, *it's not even a CA certificate*, so don't even bother
  to give it a second look or attempt to put it in the path. What is an
  application (or worse, a user) supposed to do--ignore that error?? [Cf

  To conclude this section, if you have a path (e.g., from TLS) and you
  care about speed, Certificate Path Construction isn't of much worry to
  you: you just run the validation algorithm and call it a day. But if you
  care about being comprehensive, you are not doomed to slowness: you can
  optimize cleverly. CERT_PKIXVerifyCert permits either alternative
  (cert_pi_certList) although I note that Firefox does not seem to use it,
  probably because for compatibility and other reasons it does not assume
  that the TLS server provided all the certificates in the right order.

  libpkix/CERT_PKIXVerifyCert shows evidence that much of the above has
  been taken into consideration. Other areas of NSS, like DB performance
  as DB size increases (for the v8 DB--or, you could just switch to the v9
  DB) are probably more important to optimize.

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