On 5/24/2012 9:04 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
While installs_allowed_from may be necessary for paid apps (in order to
keep people from being tricked into paying for something which they then
can't receive), it is overall a necessary evil, and if we could
distinguish in some other way between paid and nonpaid apps, we (the
Mozilla UAs) *shouldn't* honor it for nonpaid apps. In general, we
should be giving the most control to the user, not to the developer.

Why shouldn't we giving control to the developer? They are the ones who wrote the app, why do you think we should be deciding how and where they are acquired?

I'm all for giving control to the user, but in this particular instance, giving them control isn't really meaningful.

Would you be okay with allowing any site on the internet to distribute Firefox? I certainly wouldn't be.

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