So why didn't you guys work on this console "in-house"?

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Dejan Bosanac <> wrote:

> In my opinion, this "control issue" is totally overblown. First of all,
> we're not some newcomers trying to put a malware into the project. We're
> people that are developing this project for the last 5-7 years and are
> trying to position it better for the future, by replacing its most obsolete
> component.
> But most importantly, you put it as if Apache releases are totally
> uncontrollable and anybody can sneak into it anything they want. But you
> know well that's not the case, as we use proper releases of other projects
> and all "skinning" is done here. Additionally, every release is voted. So
> there's no chance of any misuse at the release time and once it's released
> it can't be changed. What happens when a project we use loses its track? We
> deal with that at that point (find a replacement, fork and continue
> developing, etc.) and it's the same for Spring, Jetty, HawtIO or any other
> part. So the "risk of losing control" is not valid neither from technical
> nor project image standpoint.
> Regards
> --
> Dejan Bosanac
> ----------------------
> Red Hat, Inc.
> FuseSource is now part of Red Hat
> <javascript:;>
> Twitter: @dejanb
> Blog:
> ActiveMQ in Action:
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 11:16 PM, Gary Tully <> wrote:
> > inline
> >
> > On 21 January 2014 17:36, Daniel Kulp <> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Gary Tully <> wrote:
> > >
> > >> On 21 January 2014 16:30, Daniel Kulp <> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> 2) All the ActiveMQ related code needs to be moved into the ActiveMQ
> > project.   If someone is using ActiveMQ and wants to contribute changes
> to
> > how the console looks or displays items or such, they should be making
> > contributions to ActiveMQ, not some external community (open source,
> free,
> > or otherwise).   The “framework” of libraries and such can
> remain
> > outside, but the ActiveMQ specific portions needs to be part of this
> > community.   If it’s going to be the visible frontend of this project, we
> > need to make sure it drives the developer willing to contribute
> > enhancements into ActiveMQ.
> > >>>
> > >> This is putting the cart before the horse!
> > >> If we need some changes and if we can't make contributions to hawtio
> > >> (patches, issues etc) we can deal with that by building our own plugin
> > >> or throwing it out or whatever. But why do that now?
> > >
> > > You are basically asking THIS developer community to completely give up
> > control over how ActiveMQ is presented to the users to a different
> > community.   I personally cannot think of anything much worse for this
> > community than that.   That seems like a horrible idea from an Apache
> > community standpoint.
> > >
> > That is not what I am asking.
> > How can choosing to adopt a better solution to an open problem be
> > giving up control? We can always change our minds and throw it out if
> > it does not serve our needs. The PMC will always be in control of what
> > is released.
> >
> >
> > > The goals of the Apache communities needs to be to make sure developers
> > are driven into the Apache communities, not another community.
> > Any goal that hopes to drive developers is a non starter. Developers
> > choose, they are not driven. I am suggesting we make a sensible choice
> > that helps our community by giving it a better web ui. hawtio wants to
> > have the best activemq web console, we want to ship the best activemq
> > console. The stars are aligned. If the alignment falters we address
> > that.
> >
> > >
> > >> We don't have to own everything that makes activemq better and that
> > >> makes our users experience better, we just have to ensure that it is
> > >> better.
> > >
> > > Making the user experience better is certainly an important aspect of
> > the Apache communities, but the primary focus should be on making sure
> the
> > developer community is healthy and we aren’t driving potential developers
> > elsewhere.   That NEEDS to be the most important thing at this point,
> > especially with the current active makeup of this community.
> > >
> > > In particular, since Apache is a 503b charitable non-profit foundation,
> > we cannot be used to promote other communities, particularly those
> “owned”
> > by a for-profit entity.  (open source or otherwise, that’s somewhat
> > irrelevant)
> > >
> > > Anyway, as far as *I’m* concerned (but I’m not a member of this PMC,
> > just an interested party), if the community is unwilling or
> > unable to support the ActiveMQ community to allow ActiveMQ to maintain
> > control over it’s user experience, then there is no-point engaging with
> > them.  It is a waste of time.
> > >
> > > That said, if community want to create a full distribution of
> > ActiveMQ + to make life easier for users, they certainly are
> > welcome to do so as long as it’s not branded ActiveMQ.  (and again, not
> > something to be promoted here)
> > >
> > > Dan
> > >
> > >
> > >> If the

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