Stats for the last 12 months (jan - jan) show both projects about equal. 
Hornetq has an edge on number of committers but not a big one. <> <>

I have read the history and I still don’t think things have been presented as 
clearly and openly as you think. Plus all the unnecessary insults (ActiveMQ 
will die without HornetQ, No one will choose ActiveMQ based on technical merit, 
etc) from various folks have done nothing but foster division not community.

> On Mar 27, 2015, at 12:15 PM, Rob Davies <> wrote:
> This incubator line is a red herring. HornetQ wanted to consolidate 
> communities together - they didn't need more committers - their community ( 
> in the Apache sense of the word) was already bigger than ActiveMQ. What I 
> don't understand is that you actually agreed to this - and backed a proposal 
> made by someone not from Red Hat to put into a repo called ActiveMQ 6 - and  
> now you start calling foul? go back and read the history.

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