Well I think the idea is less to push the airflow community to start answering 
questions on stackoverflow, and more to tie stackoverflow into our slack 
conversations so that once we come to a solution we can write up an answer that 
is searchable in the future. The main problem with people asking questions on 
slack is that once a question is answered it is lost in the ether forever

via Newton Mail 
On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 1:51 PM, Halo Ku <hal...@mail.com> wrote:
That's all good but don't forget that stackoverflow is "economay based 
community" people help mainly to raise thier reputation .
Taking a quick look over the airflow tags most of the questions comes from new 
users and most answers don't get votes up nor marked acceptaed (even if true)
people simply don't have motivation to answer there on the airflow tag.
If you want this to change - people must start giving votes up.
Take 5 min of your day to read some questions with answers and vote quality 
questions and quality answers. Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 7:54 PM
From: "Daniel Imberman" <daniel.imber...@gmail.com>
To: dev@airflow.apache.org
Subject: Re: Stack Overflow as valuable source of information about Airflow ? I 
could see us creating a slack bot that responds to every root message on each 
channel with the following message: “Hello and welcome to the <name channel> 
channel! If you are looking for airflow help, please create a stackoverflow 
issue iwth the following tags '[apache-airflow]’ and add it to your message. 
This will make it easier for us to create a persistent repository of airflow 
knowledge going forward! If this is not a airflow usage question please press 
the following button [button] “ Or we could create a bot that takes any root 
message and offers the option of converting that message into a SO post. Any 
thoughts? On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 2:48 PM, Tomasz Urbaszek 
<turbas...@apache.org> wrote: My only concern about connecting SO to Slack is 
that it may impact the history of slack (free tier, here we go again). However, 
I think it's worth it if we will promote SO for Q&A and Discussions for 
discussion (and slack for chat). Tomek On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 11:40 PM Leah 
Cole <colel...@google.com.invalid> wrote: Jarek I'm glad you suggested 
connecting it to a slack channel - I think that automating the integration into 
we currently have will be crucial to gaining adoption. My only nit would be to 
spell out #stackoverflow-questions in the channel name just so that it's 
immediately obvious what it is at first glance. On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 12:10 
PM Ry Walker < r...@rywalker.com [r...@rywalker.com] > wrote: i like all those 
ideas, Jarek On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 2:39 PM Jarek Potiuk < 
jarek.pot...@polidea.com [jarek.pot...@polidea.com] > wrote: I read the docs 
(thanks Martijn!). Looks like SO would be great if we use more of it. We are 
promoting it very lightly, though. At our https://airflow.apache.org/community/ 
[https://airflow.apache.org/community/] page we have "Stack Overflow" lin kas 
one of the options (which is good, according to those SO guidelines). But I 
think we have one place which could be improved: I think we could do a few 
things to utilize it a bit more: 1) Change links on the "new issue" page. When 
we run "new issue" we see: https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/new/choose 
[https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/new/choose] - "Ask a question of get 
support leads to the https://github.com/apache/airflow/discussions 
[https://github.com/apache/airflow/discussions] page. It's light in traffic, 
and we might try to use it more, but I think GitHub discussions should be more 
for ... discussions, not Q&A (not yet at least). SO has so much more content, 
rating, traffic etc. Why don't we split into: "Discuss an idea" -> 
[https://github.com/apache/airflow/discussions] "Ask a question or get support" 
-> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/airflow 
[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/airflow] 2) Linking SO with our 
slack? And why don't we connect the " 
[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/airflow] " RSS to a new 
"#so-questions" in our Slack ? I think we are not often looking at SO, but 
there is a substantial (but not overwhelming) traffic there - I see 10 
questions today, 46 this week for example. And there are many unanswered 
questions there. I think just seeing those in slack might drag more attention 
from the commiters and some active community members. WDYT everyone ? J. On 
Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 2:07 PM Martijn Pieters < zopati...@gmail.com 
[zopati...@gmail.com] > wrote: On 2020/11/05 08:37:28, Jarek Potiuk < 
jarek.pot...@polidea.com [jarek.pot...@polidea.com] > wrote:
> I was wondering if we should do something about it? Maybe we should promote
> more Stack Overflow? We already have a link about it on our website in "Ask
> the questions' chapter. But Stack Overflow answers and links very rarely
> come up in the discussions in Slack for example. I was just wondering if
> there is anything we can do to make it more "promoted"?
> Maybe someone can have some ideas on how to make it more "visible"?

Hi! Quick intro: I've been contributing to Airflow recently, especially to the 
2.0.0 release currently in alpha. But I'm also one of the community elected 
moderators on Stack Overflow as well as a frequent Python contributor on that 

Stack Overflow can be a temperamental place, but it is _is_ a great resource 
for people that know how to formulate good, focused questions on 
programming-related subjects. If there were a few people from the Airflow 
project actively answering questions there, then the resulting content can be 
of great help to anyone else with similar problems.

There are a few FAQs on meta.stackoverflow.com [http://meta.stackoverflow.com] 
which might be applicable here, I strongly recommend people take a look at 
these; they cover SO from the perspective both of a project team (OSS or 
commercial) and from the perspective of the question askers:


Some of that advice is more aimed at tech companies, but it's still helpful to 
keep in mind that not everyone active in content curation (e.g. most of the 
users with a bit of reputation) will view questions without clear context on 
the problem at hand, in the same light.

At any rate, to promote Stack Overflow as a resource, linking it from a 
'further resources' page in the documentation would be a good starting point. 
Just make sure it is not implied that Stack Overflow is a general support 
channel for the project. :-)

Martijn Pieters
[https://stackoverflow.com/users/100297/martijn-pieters] | 
https://www.zopatista.com [https://www.zopatista.com]
--   Jarek Potiuk                                                       
   Polidea [https://www.polidea.com/] | Principal Software Engineer   

M: +48 660 796 129           

-- Leah Cole (she/her) | Developer Programs Engineer | colel...@google.com 
[colel...@google.com] | (925) 257-2112 I'm working weird hours during this 
pandemic and am sometimes a bit slower to respond to PRs/CLs than normal. 
Please feel free to send me a gentle ping for a status update if my slowness is 
blocking you and I'll do my best to give you an ETA.

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