Hey Briana,

Thanks for sharing questions. Let me share some idea/improvements, but it
only my thoughts so it could be non-relevant for create clear survey

*Which version of Airflow do you currently use*
Maybe it's better keep only this one?
- 1.10
- <=2.4
- 2.5
- 2.6
- 2.7

1.10 it is so legacy now
2-2.4 not so legacy, but latest providers can't be install on this versions
2.5.x it is the highest version which might install latest providers

*Which Metadata Database do you use?*

My suggestion is to make this question, if it possible, only for
self-hosted Airflow installation. I guess for Managed Airflow it would
always be Postgres.

An split this question by two different

First about type of DB

- MySQL (not MariaDB)
- Postgres
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Other: ______

Second one about version DB version

- Version: ______
- I don't know

Every year new version of Postgres released, so if we consider that some
users might still use 1.10.x then it could be a chance 9.4 - 9.5 used
I think more interesting in this question is Postgres have critical total
share value (like 80-90 of all respondent) from which we might start think,
is actually we need in the future (Airflow 3.x/4.x) something different
rather than Postgres and SQLite (for testing)

Best Wishes
*Andrey Anshin*

On Wed, 25 Oct 2023 at 19:08, Briana Okyere
<briana.oky...@astronomer.io.invalid> wrote:

> Hey All,
> For the last few years, we've sent out surveys to get a sense of the state
> of this Airflow community, and this year I've been tasked with distributing
> it. I'd love to get your feedback before it's pushed live.
> I've made some minor tweaks to the 2022 survey and added the questions to
> this google doc: <
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FbluXNGq9cI3N9zw1cH4F4cEQfyIQ6tk7tGLo4ZN4AE/edit?usp=sharing
> >
> Is there anything you think should be added or removed?
> Please note- it is useful to compare data from previous years to this year,
> so I believe the majority of the questions should remain similar-ish.
> However, there is always room for improvement!
> Here are last year's results for reference:
> <https://airflow.apache.org/blog/airflow-survey-2022/>
> Also, if anyone is interested in helping with analysis after the results
> are in, please let me know.
> --
> Briana Okyere
> Community Manager
> Email: briana.oky...@astronomer.io
> <john....@astronomer.io>Mobile: +1 415.713.9943
> Time zone: US Pacific UTC
> <https://www.astronomer.io/>

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