I'm all for the shorter names.  I can never understand why so many people ask 
the questions they do in #development, its purpose seems pretty obvious to me 
but perhaps a rename is good for it; I'm -0 on that one.  I also agree that 
#troubleshooting is clear and nothing is gained from making it longer.  For the 
#best-practices one, I like the concept.  I wonder if something like 
#configuration-questions (I know, it's not short...) may be a broader category 
serving the same purpose?

 - ferruzzi

From: Jed Cunningham <jedcunning...@apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 8:36 AM
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Sounds good to me. We already have much more niche channels than best
practices would be. Worst case no one uses it and we can purge it down the
road, no harm no foul.

One thing we should consider is not renaming development, but starting with
a fresh channel for contributing. There are nearly 14k people in
development today. Maybe we restrict who can post in development for a
period of time with a message directing folks to the right places?

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