JV wrote:

I'm trying to get OpenOffice.org to run under COM/DCOM for use on an
unattended server.

To do this I create a Component Package under COM+. It works fine.
However if I change the user from the Interactive User (me) to a
named user (also me) then I start getting errors when I try to create
an instance of the Service Manager.

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{82154420-0FBF-11D4-8313-005004526AB4} failed due to the following
error: 80080005." [Server execution failed]

I do not know the specifics about COM+, but I suppose as "named user"
you need to have the AppID set in the registry which is not done by
OOo's setup. You can do this manually and use dcomcnfg for configuring
security and identity as indicated in the Developer's Guide.

In the version of OOo that I use the AppID is set correctly by the installer.
Good to know, this can be then corrected in the developer's guide.

If the AppID wasn't set correctly then my code would never work whether the user was me or the interactive user.

Unfortunately the develpers guide covers this situation perfectly and says you need to use the interactive user. However it doesn't give any indication why. That's what I'm trying to find out.

Maybe you need to configure "Lauch and Activation" rights for the "named user" with dcomcnf.


Best Wishes


jos vernon
.NET Image Components & Consultancy
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