
I'm trying to get to run under COM/DCOM for use on an
unattended server.

To do this I create a Component Package under COM+. It works fine.
However if I change the user from the Interactive User (me) to a
named user (also me) then I start getting errors when I try to create
an instance of the Service Manager.

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{82154420-0FBF-11D4-8313-005004526AB4} failed due to the following
error: 80080005." [Server execution failed]

Unfortunately the develpers guide covers this situation perfectly and says
you need to use the interactive user. However it doesn't give any indication
why. That's what I'm trying to find out.

Maybe you need to configure "Lauch and Activation" rights for the "named user"
with dcomcnf.

If this was the problem then the "Interactive User" and "Me" would have the same
problem. After all we both have the same rights because we're the same people.

So I think the issue is related to access permission to the current interactive
Window Station. This kind of thing:

It's possible that it's a COM failing (what with COM sometimes working via a
message pump) but I think not. Otherwise other COM applications would fail in a
similar way and that's not something I've seen. So I suspect that the UNO people
are correct and that this is more of an OOo thing.

I suspect that OOo is in some way doing something which demands access to the
desktop. It's not a visible desktop thing so maybe there's some kind of
invisible window that OOo is relying on. Or maybe it's iterating through the
current windows on startup. Or something.

Unfortunately it doesn't appear that Windows allows you to audit these types of
Window Station access events so it's all somewhat opaque as to exactly what is

Best Wishes


jos vernon
.NET Image Components & Consultancy
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