On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 08:02:51PM +0200, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
> Actually; no - the Board gave the APR crowd a well defined charter (or
> rather, the APR folks came with a very well defined set of things they
> wanted to work on - and hence got their PMC in the ASF umbrella).
> Changing that charter will require this community to do some very deep
> thinking :-) and possibly you'll have to put things in perspective or
> reconsider to prevent bloat, feature creep, version # aligement problems
> with your dependencies and general quality.
> Right now your charter keeps you out of such troubled waters:
>       The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) is to provide a
>       free library of C data structures and routines, forming a system
>       portability layer to as many operating systems as possible,
>       including Unices, MSWin32, BeOS and OS/2.
> rather nicely.

Hmm..  how do we justify apr-util, and even moreso, how did serf get
approved (especially if it is HTTP-centric)?

To me it seems that el-kabong is a natural sibling of apr-util -- both
are a set of portable utilities which are dependent on our portability
layer, and applicable to a wide variety of projects.

I won't stop it from being part of HTTPD, but I do want to start
thinking about our projects in terms of functionality rather than
language or protocol.


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