> > > > We are a portability project, which is
> > > > all the library was when I wrote it, and all I wish the project to be.  
> > > > If
> That's what *you* wanted Ryan. Tough luck, but there are more of us. And we
> have wanted it to be more, and it *is* more.

That's right, I opened the project up to other people, which doesn't mean
that I no longer get a say.  I am saying that I believe we have violated
our charter, and I wish to correct that problem.

We created a mission statement as a PMC a long time ago (it was removed
from the STATUS file some time ago, but here are the three options that
were originally in the STATUS file:

 The Apache Portable Run-time mission is to provide a library of routines
 that allows programmers to write a program once and be able to compile
 it anywhere.
        Votes:  +0: Jeff, Ryan
                -0: Greg, Sascha, Fred

 The Apache Portable Run-time mission is to provide a free library
 of C data structures and routines, forming a system portability
 layer to most Unices and the major commercial operating systems.
        Votes:  +1: Karl, Sascha, Ryan, Jeff,
                +0: OtherBill, Fred

 The Apache Portable Run-time mission is to provide a free library
 of C data structures and routines, forming a system portability
 layer to as many operating systems as possible, including Unices,
 MS Win32, BeOS and OS/2.
        Votes: +1: OtherBill, Karl, Fred, Greg

Notice the final one is word for word what is on the web site.  As a TEAM
we agreed to that as our mission statement.  You can't just change the
mission statement because you want to.  If you want to change that
statement, then bring it to the PMC, and let us discuss it.

As things stand right now, however, apr-serf and apr-html are in violation
of the mission statement, as decided by the PMC.  Therefore, I am
suggesting that all discussion of these projects be tabled until we either
uphold our current mission, or create a new one.

> > > Incredibly Useful. However, it seems that the pieces are only useful for
> > > very specific applications. El-Kabong is useful (although not immediately
> > > necessary) in the same sense as apr-util. I'm just saying we can't have
> > > it both ways.
> Of course we can. Our charter allows us to define our scope. I see that as
> focusing on "portable" libraries.

Which, from the votes above, I would consider to be a change from
your previous position.  Which is fine, but you don't get to decide on the
mission statement for the whole project.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

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