On Dec 5, 2007 9:21 AM, Morten Omholt Alver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There are two other links needed for the interaction: first, where is
> the information specified by CSL coming from? In JabRef's case, it
> comes from BibTeX fields, filtered by JabRef's formatters (as in the
> FORMATTERS section of my style file). I guess we would need to find
> some other place (outside of the CSL) for this information?

Think of CSL as providing it's own generic model that one can map
different input formats to.

But WRT to OOo and ODF, I expect to be using an RDF representation
(since ODF 1.2 will suppoort RDF for metadata):


BTW, there's a developer at the Xbib project who has been working on a
ruby CSL engine and biblio ontoloogy object model.

> The other thing is whether OpenOffice will support CSL, or if we need
> to transform it ourselves into OO's bibliography structure? I
> understand that this could possibly be a difficult question to answer
> at the moment.

I have talked with the ODF TC about formally including CSL in the ODF
spec, so that may happen at some point. But I would consider the
existing support in OOo and ODF as legacy that will at some point get
deprecated. Indeed, Zotero completely bypasses it now.


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