On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Geoff Howard wrote:

> How about this proposal:
> If Berin feels the migration can be quick (1 week?) we start a 2.2 repo,

I would give him even 2 weeks ;-)

> and let that be the only work that happens for that quick time frame in
> the 2.2 repo.  If possible we should all help with aspects of the
> migration so we don't "come home to a strange house" so to speak.


> If it bogs down, reveals nightmarish problems, etc. we have the option
> of wiping clean, moving on with blocks immediately on ECM and worry
> about the migration later.


> In any case, we have to (don't we?) regard the migration off ECM as
> inevitable and a little pain now is better than a lot of pain later.  A


> lot of pain now is not better than the same amount of pain later.  Which
>   case we're in should be apparent if we try the path proposed above.

Giacomo Pati
Otego AG, Switzerland - http://www.otego.com
Orixo, the XML business alliance - http://www.orixo.com

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