On 7 Dec 2003, at 18:07, Jorg Heymans wrote:

I would've gotten one of these a few months ago, but decided on a winxp instead because i wasn't sure about its "standard office compatibility". I mean can you easily link up to an exchange server? See windows file servers, mount windows directories, open/edit/save m$-office word and excel files (and all this without recompiling kernel, configure samba, edit config files or *purchase* add-on software).

Yep yep yep yep... You can do all that no problems... At work we use windows everywhere and I have no problems in logging into the domain and seeing all my shared folders (samba integration comes free with MacOS/X, and 10.3 ships with support for ActiveDirectory, so, no problems).

Regarding office, just buy Microsoft Office/X and you get the whole kit, from Word/Excel to integration with Exchange environments.


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