Christopher Oliver wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On 14 Jan 2004, at 21:28, Torsten Curdt wrote:


I'm still +1 to <map:log> and see no real reason why not to do it.

All I am asking is we really need it?


[feeling hacky is not a real reason if there is no alternative proposed and the need is felt...

I am just wondering ...when do you need it? Usually I'd need it if something goes wrong. How often is something wrong in your sitemaps and you don't get an exception?

This is a good point.

...I am totally +1000 adding that wonderful cocoon stack trace
to our exception handling.

Just some RT ...what about a development mode (here comes the
running mode again;) where you get a sitemap console and flowscript
console. In the sitemap console you could see the stack trace of
the last request ... in the flowscript console the log from
the flowscript.

Ok, let's add the cocoon stack trace only (no map:log or similar) for now and see what happens? deal?


I think <map:log> is still needed if you want to see the values of sitemap variables while debugging.

That sounds like a good point to me, and Stefano's "deal" sounds good to me.

Maybe I'm missing the nuances of the discussion because I've been having to just skim lately, but it seems we're letting a good new feature slip away (the original stack traces) while an orthogonal discussion takes place (logging).


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