Geoff Howard wrote:
No, you're not the only one - but far from being upset I am always happy to get commercial Cocoon information, especially from someone actually involved in the community.


Jorg Heymans wrote:

Am i the only one who has received unsollicited cocoon related advertisement mail from anyware-tech on several email addresses?
I believe it's a cocoon related company from one of the committers here.

Sorry, the line has been crossed with me. I also got the spam, and I can't even read it since it's

a) Totally in French, and I can't read a lick of French.
b) In HTML

It's also completely unsolicited. That is where I draw the line, even if it's for Cocoon stuff.

I wouldn't mind it so much if I were asked about it first, and I could actuall comprehend the content. Come on, unsolicited email? I thought people knew better these days.

Grumpily in the morning,

Tony, who will happily opt-in for an English, plain-text email list from any company involved commercially with Cocoon.

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