On Tue, 2004-06-29 at 19:10, Ugo Cei wrote:
> Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> > xhtml elements are in a namespace - html elements are not.
> Oh yes. Then I'd rather have the CForms stylesheet output XHTML by 
> default.

Why? I certainly wouldn't. To be any practical, this would mean all
HTML-related things should be changed to XHTML, thus also the form
templates, other files you are merging, output of other XSLT transforms,
etc. Otherwise you'll get a mix of namespaced and non-namespaced HTML. 

If from the start you decide to make an all-XHTML system, then this is
all very feasible, but I'd rather not be forced to make the switch to
XHTML now, nor do I want to strip the namespace afterwards.

I'm not against the introduction of XHTML, but I want HTML to remain

>  If someone wants HTML output, he/she can always add a 
> namespace-stripping transformation and use the HTML serializer afterwards.
>       Ugo

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
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