Il giorno 22/lug/04, alle 03:10, peter royal ha scritto:

have you considered picocontainer at all? i would *LOVE* to see the core shuffled about. i want to be able to nest the containment of cocoon's core objects in order to share them between multiple cocoon instances, and being built upon an open container platform helps that a lot.

To be honest, I chose Spring because I use it all day in my job, the reason being that I have been using Hibernate for some time and Spring has *awesome* integration with Hibernate. But if you look at the code I wrote, the only dependencies on Spring are in the test classes and that is just because it takes less code to have collaborators injected by Spring before testing a bean than it is to inject them by hand. As of now, I think you can deploy them in picocontainer without changing a single line of code (assuming you are ready to do setter-based injection as opposed to constructor-based).

Really, I'm +1 on pushing the platform forward, whichever direction it is. Its the progress that's important :)



Ugo Cei -

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