Leo Sutic wrote:
>I'm sure Merlin/Metro has a place
somewhere, maybe inside the "blocks", maybe somewhere else, but
considering switching to it at this point in time is simply reckless.

Using a container has two advantages: using code that is already there and tested, and hooking up with a commmon base so to collaborate with other services.

For the first point, our needs are not so easy, so we would have the same problem we had with Avalon: create our new ECM derived from the simpler core. Furthermore it's not so much tested in the real world and still evolving.

For the second point, it's not relevant, as Cocoon as a _whole_ should be embeddable in such a container, like for example in Geronimo as a GBean, in JBoss, in Merlin, etc.

I agree with Leo, we don't need to buy a motor for our nice car, we need to make our own and tune it at need.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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