On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 13:27:20 +0200, Ugo Cei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Il giorno 14/ott/04, alle 12:39, Luca Garulli ha scritto:
> > Uao! At least one point in common :-D Do you know that Rod Johnson is
> > part (with me) of JSR 243 alias JDO 2.0?
> I didn't know *you* were part of JSR-243 ;-). For the record, I heard
> Rod affirm that, if you want persistence, you should either go with
> Hibernate, JDO 2 or possibly Toplink.
>         Ugo

JDO 2 has many features over JDO 1.0.1 such as:
- more powerful JDOQL expressions
- standard OR mapping across implementation
- fetching strategy
- and much more.

I suggest to use a JDO2 implementation, too. But JDO2 is not yet
released in final version. Probably will be done in november 2004, but
many JDO implementations contain many features of JDO2. One of these
is JPOX, open source.

Remaining in the Daisy context seems that Daisy team doesn't love so
much OR framework :-D

Patience ;-)

Luca Garulli
(the light ODBMS, all in one JDO solution)

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