Stefano Mazzocchi said:
> <-- stuff removed -->
> ${myDate as month}
> <-- stuff removed -->
> --
> Stefano.

Not that I disagree with you, but why don't you consider your example to
be a taglib?  Perhaps I'm just reading more generality into the
discussions than is really there, but I haven't seen anyone state that
"taglibs" must be of the form <namespace:op namespace:attr="token">, etc.

Frankly, the part that has worried me the most is the discussion of SQL
and templates in the same email.  From my perspective SQL queries are
part, of or simply are, the model.  Templates, on the other hand are
generally part of the view. Although they may be used in an intermediate
step to reformat the data in the model, this is just a smaller version of
MVC where the view is the reformatted data.

In other words, templates that do anything other than accessing already
available data and rendering "formatted" data should a) not be possible,
or b) be discouraged.  Notice "already available data". That means you
shouldn't have tag libraries or whatever that do the SQL query, invoke
business methods or whatever. That should all be done via business methods
invoked by actions or flow (i.e. the controller).



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