On 3.12.2004 21:50 Uhr, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
All I ask from a template language:

1) something that HTML designers can edit with Dreamweaver
2) something that doesn't use namespaced tags to identify dynamic scopes (clashes with #1)
3) something that doesn't use the name taglib
> That's pretty much all you have to do to make me happy.

Maybe Zope's TAL idea is something for you. http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/TAL

They are very fond of the fact that it's "Dreamweaver-Compatible"

I once started implementing that in my own framework (a php based cocoon ripoff ;) ), but with using XSLT for transforming the TAL to another XSLT, which then transformed the actual content. I never really finished it (meaning implementing most of the specs), but it was basically working. Take it as a proof of concept ;)

The XSLT can be found here:
(the bxf:tales function is framework specific and would have to be adjusted a little bit for general use, IIRC)


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