Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >> ...Fiddling with the i can also
> >> getting a listing.
> >> So i will be able to work out a solution. Thanks.
> > 
> > Hmmm, no joy so far.
> > 
> > Using the grep javadocs method does not find any serializers, 
> > actions, matchers, selectors.
> > 
> > Using the SitemapTask finds components only if their package 
> > name is "o.a.c.transformation.Transformer" etc.
> Hmmm, are you sure? The SitemapTaks is able (should be able to)
> to generate docs for all sitemap components. It does so by using qdox
> and introspecting the classes (if a class implements the
> corresponding interface).

Welcome back Carsten. You probably have stacks of email
to catch up with. Here is the reason for my questions.
 Re: review of sitemap component documentation

> For example, the task creates an xml document for a sitemap
> component if the javadoc containes the corresponding javadoc tags.

That part i understand. The part that i am having trouble with
is the mechanism by which it determines which java files to
investigate to see if they do contain those tags.

> I think the only sources that have this tag right now are transformers
> in the o.a.c.transformation package, so this might be the reason.

That is the next stage of my mission. Once all possible components
are identified, i will add the javadoc-like tags to them and we
can start adding the documentation. The abovementioned table lists
the components that do currently have the tags: not many.

> But changing the SitemapTask to just spit out a list of all sitemap
> components should be fairly easy.

That is what i thought too. I have local modifications that does that,
but it seems to not find all components. The SitemapTask has
 // Class Constants
 private static final String SERIALIZER = 
 if ( javaClass.isA(SERIALIZER) ) {
which misses src/java/o/a/c/serialization/
perhaps because that extends AbstractTextSerializer.

> I can't help you with this today -
> I'm now awake for more than 36 hours, but later this week should work.

Thanks, i was hoping that you would help when you returned.
I will commit the work that i have done so far in the 2.1 branch.


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