Jorg Heymans wrote:

I'm also thinking about archetypes for popular framework combos, like
CForms/hibernate, Cocoon/Spring, and often used block combos like
portal/, fop/svg and ofcourse asciiart/midi ;)

Hmm... I was thinking more in terms of user-visible functionalities rather than in terms of underlying technologies.

Look, if one is going to use Spring, he won't be impressed by a canned app; on the contrary, such a canned app will make a splash on the average guy just thinking "hmm... how could I publish that report in PDF and WML and HTML and Excel ?".

Just imagine a wizard-like thing that guides you through the following:
1) Choose the page name.
2) Choose a view or table from your database of choice.
3) Choose the formats you'd like to include.
4) VoilĂ , The scaffold is generated !
5) Enter the page URI and the report showing the database view/table appears: in PDF when the URI ends with .pdf, in Excel if the URI ends with .xls, etc.

Not exactly exciting if someone knows Cocoon... but we're not preaching to the chorus here, are we ? ;)


   Luca Morandini

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