This sounds fantastic. I’d be happy to collaborate and get
this implemented at USC..

Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Chief Architect
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Ruggeri <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 1:42 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: What might an open source class look like?

>Hi, all;
>   We had an interesting chat during the barcamp at ACNA2015 discussing
>ideas for spreading the word about open source. A few folks mentioned
>that it would be a good idea to partner with local universities to do
>talks/programs/etc. This sounded like an interesting idea so I
>squirreled it away in the back of my mind to be revisited after I
>settled back into the not-apachecon-routine... Interestingly enough, the
>day I got back from ApacheCon, a former professor (and mentor of mine)
>had asked if I would be willing to send the head of the IS program a
>letter of recommendation to accompany his nomination for an award. I
>mentioned the idea of doing something with the university regarding open
>source and introducing students to the idea in the P.S. of the email...
>Well, one conversation led to another and now I find myself teaching a
>credited class about open source in the fall.
>   I think this is really neat and exciting but a challenge at the same
>time. Since the idea was planted in my head w/ the ASF, I thought it
>would be a good idea to float the question here to ask, "What would go
>in a college class about open source?" I think I can work through a
>syllabus, but I'd love to hear suggestions from those who have been
>involved in the ASF longer than my 4-ish years.
>Here are some of the ideas I have in mind for things to cover:
>*What IS open source? The history/birth of the movement.
>*Source control with Subversion/GIT/?
>*Bug tracking
>*Mailing lists/IRC/communication tools
>*Participating in an open source community
>*Lab(s) where we create a repository and commit/work through examples of
>using the tools
>*Guest speaker: How we make money with Open Source
>*Guest speaker: The Apache way (of course!)
>*Guest speaker: Why I trust open source software in my production
>*Guest speaker: Why NOT open source (?)
>*Popular open source licenses - discussion around each
>I've only been on this list since ApacheCon this year, so I'm not sure
>what areas (if any) I would have commit access to in the community
>project, but I am more than willing to provide the materials I create as
>part of the class for those similarly interested in putting on such a
>I'm in the process of mining
> for additional ideas,
>Daniel Ruggeri

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